"Tuck freeze, tuck hold, you're stronger than you think"

I hate crossfit. I’ve never actually been to crossfit but I hate it. I mean if you have a friend on social media that does crossfit, you KNOW it. You see pictures of them moving tires around, and videos of their squats. We get it. You’re strong. You could bench press a couch.

I’m pretty sure I’m the pure barre version of a crossfit person, though. If I were allowed to bring my phone in the studio you’d probably all see videos of my progression and how I can now hover my left foot while holding/stretching my right leg during ab blasts.

I started barre in November after my sister raved about it. I honestly half expected to hate it. Nicole is a dancer, I am quite simply the most rhythmically challenged person, ever. When you read about barre classes it usually consists of “ballet and pilates”. Okay, so I can’t dance and pilates is essentially core based. Don’t even get me started on my core (or lack thereof).

As unappealing as this workout sounded, November marked the one year point for my wedding. My body has definitely changed as a result of a birth control I was on (that’s a story for another time, though) and that damn “happy weight” you get when you’re comfortable in a relationship. I hate that happy weight. I keep asking Spencer to break up with me for a month so I can be devastated and lose weight. So far he’s not interested in that. Jerk.

So, my mind was on my wedding dress and not wanting to hide in my own pictures for my wedding. Spencer graciously agreed to fund these classes for me, which put the pressure on to really commit. These classes aren’t cheap (thankfully I got in on a great special and my work reimburses us $30 a month towards it….but still, not cheap), so I know if I’m not committed to going, he won’t be committed to paying.

I’ve never loved a workout so much. My first few classes I had NO clue what I was doing, and now it’s like second nature to me. The classes are layed out in the same way every time (warm up, arms, thighs, “seat” (butt), abs, cool down), but the workouts themselves are different for every teacher. Even the girls that have been going for months still have to stop and break during the class because it’s so hard. You work your muscles to the point where they are jello, then move on to the next group. You are shaking and burning and practically holding back tears for 55 minutes.

The best part of the class, for me, is that for those 55 minutes I am not thinking of anything else. You get that mind clearing feeling like you get with yoga- which as a “high stress individual” is awesome. It’s also easy to see progress. Things I couldn’t do my first month are easy for me now. I still have a ways to go, but I love to see results. Not to mention, I’ve lost over an inch (in my thighs, waist, hips, and arms) already. But to be honest, at some point it became less about weight loss and the wedding dress and more about me, and my attitude after a good workout.

If you have a studio nearby, I strongly encourage you to try it out. Even if it’s not “pure barre” and you have another place that offers barre classes- try it. It’s awesome. I might not be able to squat 481 pounds like a crossfit person, but I can tuck with the best of them. Also, Spencer really likes what it’s doing for my butt, so there’s that too (money well spent, huh babe?).  


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